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Cable Tie GT-UV, 300/4.8 SW, 22.2kg, Polyamide 6.6, -40..85°C, UV resistant, UL94 V2, 100pcs/pck, UL E75050, Lloyd’s, GL 59425-08HH, Mil-23190D, black
Cable Tie GT-UV, 300/4.8 SW, 22.2kg, Polyamide 6.6, -40..85°C, UV resistant, UL94 V2, 100pcs/pck, UL E75050, Lloyd’s, GL 59425-08HH, Mil-23190D, black

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   International deliveries will be confirmed within 24 hours.

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Transportation fees EUR:

Weight Latvia,
Finland, Sweden,
other European other world
Up to 1 kg 10,00 18,00 75,00 ask for offer
1 - 10 kg 15,00 22,00 125,00 ask for offer
10 - 20 kg 20,00 26,25 150,00 ask for offer
20 - 31 kg 25,00 28,35 180,00 ask for offer
31+ kg 100,00 120,00 250,00 ask for offer

Elit OÜ | e-post: elit@elit.ee | +372 622 9119 | 2016 ©